The Mass is where we receive the instructions to serve God (The Scripture Readings) and then are fed the
source of our strength (The Eucharist) to carry God’s presence into the world.
Do we live our Christianity INTENTIONALLY? That means: Do we attend the Mass by participating – listening – and absorbing the teaching? Only then are we fed the Word of God and fed His Body.
Jesus is preaching to the many followers when this happens. Could you see yourself in the crowd?
Then, when Jesus shows his power to Simon and they pull in a huge number of fish that were not
there before Jesus had arrived! Now Simon confesses his unworthiness to Jesus and is then,
challenged to - “Follow Me, and I will make you a Great Fisher of Men!” The story of God’s forming of
his Church has begun by the assembling of the first leaders (bishops of the Church) – the Apostles.
What we do in going to Mass is exactly this Gospel. Jesus calls us, shows us His power and then He challenges us to gather others to Him - in the way we live (“Love one another”).
However, all this takes Faith that Jesus has the power to offer Salvation through US – The Church!
Do we first – Believe? Then Go Intentionally to Mass? Then, live out the grace of the Gospel and the Eucharist in the Love of God for others?
To see the mission of Christianity is to be a Christian in living out your calling to love!
Give it a try! It isn’t you doing the saving, after all. Jesus works through those who obey Him!
May Our Risen Savior Bless you!
Fr. Patrick Nelson, SDS
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