Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Following are volunteer ministries that are a crucial part of St. Margaret Mary Parish.

Altar Servers (Acolytes):

Youth and adults are needed to serve in this important ministry of assisting Father at Mass.

Assisting Sacristans:

These individuals take care of the sacristy (sacred vessels, linens, etc.) and preps for any liturgical worship or event.

Buildings and Grounds:

Assist with special projects to maintain the beauty and safety of the interior and exterior of the St. Margaret Mary property.


These volunteers lead our assembly in sung prayer during the Mass.

Church Environment/Decorations:

These volunteers create a welcoming environment for all, includes church decor for various liturgical seasons and holiday.

Church Cleaning Crew:

Volunteers who handle tasks such as vacuuming, dusting, candle replacement, and filling the holy water fonts.

Dismas Ministry {Prison Ministry}:

Volunteers help administer a Faith Study course for inmates across the country. They gather to process requests for faith study materials and to assess the progress of each participant. While this ministry does not visit inmates directly, our St. Margaret Mary volunteers are impacting the faith lives of those in prison.

Eucharistic Ministers:

Distribution of communion at Mass.

Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound:

These volunteers serve a very important ministry by bringing the Holy Eucharist to Catholics who are unable to attend Mass.

Faith Formation Instructors:

Training is provided to lead educational opportunities for both children and adult formation. Such as Children's Liturgy of the Word, First Eucharistic preparation, Confirmation preparation, OCIA, and OCIC preparation,

GriefShare Support Group:

At some point, we all face the loss of a loved one. Our Bereavement Ministry team invites anyone grieving a loss to join us so we may accompany you with care, support, and understanding. The group meets in Sampon Hall from 6:00 to 8:30 pm on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.

Habitat for Humanity:

By volunteering to help on one of our Habitat for Humanity build opportunities, you help to break down the barriers to affordable homeownership for local families.

Money Counters:

These volunteers count collection receipts on Monday mornings. The time commitment is approximately two hours per week, twice a month.

Prayer Shawl Ministry | Faith and Fiber Fellowship

Our Faith and Fiber members, meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9 am to pray and socialize while creating prayer shawls for those in need.

Readers (Lectors):

Proclaims God's word to the assembly gathered together for liturgy.

Screen Operators:

Operates power point presentation to accompany Mass prayers and songs.

Ushers (Hospitality Ministers):

These volunteers are typically the first individuals our parishioners and visitors see when arriving at Mass. They provide a warm welcome to each of our liturgical celebrations, assist parishioners as needed, take collections, and distribute bulletins.

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