Get Involved

Get Involved

The efforts and donation of time, talent, and treasure of parish lay men and women is essential for the survival and flourishing of today’s Catholic Church. Volunteering to serve others and to join parish committees is an excellent experience and rewarding way to serve Christ and His Church. Opportunities to help at St. Margaret Mary include:

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is required to operate with four standing commissions: evangelization and formation; worship, human concerns, and stewardship. These commissions may also establish or operate with committees or ministry teams. 

The Pastoral Council is a group of people, chosen from and by the parish community, which consults with the pastor(s) in order to foster and plan pastoral activity. The trustees of the parish corporation also serve on the pastoral council by virtue of their office. 

The pastoral council has three principal purposes:

  • To serve as a vehicle for fulfilling the pastoral mission of Jesus and the Church in a specific part of the Archidiocese.
  • To strive to build a community of disciples who recognize their baptismal calls to lives of holiness, witness and service; and
  • To engage in a continuous process of pastoral planning which takes into account the needs and priorities of its parishioners, the Archdiocese, the broader community, and the world.

If you are interested in becoming a member of this very important group, please contact Fr. Pat Nelson or the parish center office at 414-461-6073.


Finance Council

It oversees all aspects of parish financial and budgetary matters. It meets no fewer than 6 times per year. Duties of this council include but are not limited to: provide advice and guidance to the Pastor; prepare the parish budget; review financial statements; monitor financial condition of the parish; review indebtedness of the parish; and assist in formulation and communication of the annual financial report to the parish community. Terms for at-large members are two years and limited to two consecutive terms. 


Stewardship Committee

The council communicates the message of stewardship (giving of time, talent, and treasure) to the parish. It develops, evaluates, and updates programs that encourage parishioner involvement in prayer, financial support, and service.

Prayer and Worship Committee

This Committee collaborates with the members of the pastoral staff to support the liturgical ministries of the parish; nourish and give direction to the liturgical and communal prayer life of the parish community through fulfillment of their areas of responsibility. The Committee may form sub-Committees or ministry teams to work directly with specific liturgical ministries. These sub-Committees/ministry teams report directly and regularly to the committee.

Faith Formation Committee

The Faith Formation Committee develops and promotes the educational/formational aspect of the Church’s mission. This committee gives advice to staff members on the design, implementation and evaluation of the total Christian educational/formational program in the parish including sacramental preparation for youth as well as adult and family ministry. The committee is made up of parishioners from both Blessed Savior and St. Margaret Mary Parishes, including high school students, and meets approximately once every six weeks.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee counsels the Pastor and Pastoral Administrator on personnel matters, oversees staff replacement interviewing, evaluates and sets personnel policy, updates the employee handbook, and advises on laws and regulations affecting personnel. It meets on an as needed basis only.

Buildings and Grounds Committee

It oversees the maintenance and upkeep of parish property and monitors environmental concerns.

Money Counters

This committee evaluates proposals and develops alternatives for telecommunications and computer networks, website development, software applications and more for internal and external communications. Technical background is suggested to work with this committee. They meet on an as needed basis.

Technology Committee

Volunteers count collection receipts from the weekend Masses on Monday mornings. The time committment is approximately two hours per week.

Human Concerns Committee

The Human Concerns Commission (HCC) represents the parish’s outreach efforts to a wide variety of people in the Milwaukee area struggling to survive at the margins of our society. Our goal is to help people meet their basic needs for food, housing, fellowship, assistance in seeking employment, education, and tax services. We also focus on the unique needs of expectant mothers and the elderly.

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