How good are any of us at following the teachings of Jesus?
Some may boast of their knowledge of Scripture. Some may recount all their many devotions to the saints. Some may be daily Mass attendees. Some may know all the regular feast days and solemnities of the Church Year.
Does that make them a good Catholic or a good Christian??
Many of our Protestant friends may do the same and read scripture daily. But, those are works of piety not works of love.
Works of love can only come from God’s grace (love) working within us! (1 Corinthians 13)
Jesus made it clear that obedience to love was obedience to Him and this action of love is what makes one a follower of Christ… or … Christians! Good people aren’t necessarily good followers.
Now, we also know that only in the Catholic Church can we be obedient to the mandate of Christ to …. “eat his body and drink his blood” (John 6:53-56) Only in the Catholic Church is the command to “Do this in memory of me.” fulfilled. The action is Christ in the Eucharist, not that of the minister. The transformation of the bread and wine only happen through the power given to the Apostles – not just one who uses those words.
As a child, I said Mass, using the books and in Latin. Just because I said those words the items did not become the body & blood of Jesus. That takes the power of the “imposition of hands” passed down through the bishops, who are the successors to the original Apostles. This is called “Apostolic Succession of Bishops”. Our Protestant friends do not have this “Apostolic Succession of Bishops” to ordain their ministers. Therefore, the words they use are symbolic and not effective. It is hoped that all people will be Catholic someday. That was the dream of Jesus in forming the Church. Jesus never intended 45,000 different Christian denominations – as there are today!
Jesus prayed: “That ALL may be one!” (John 10:16)
May God Bless you!
Fr. Patrick Nelson, SDS
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