Jesus is asked for guidance like a spiritual director. So, His answer is the same as He gave to Moses at Mount Sinai in the desert. (Yes, Jesus was there!) The Ten Commandments
Did you notice that Jesus only names 6 of those Commands? He recites them – not in order either - #5, #6, #7, #8, (He adds: Cheating!) and #4. The ones he missed are telling.
Jesus missed the first three commands to Love God, keep holy His Name and he Sabbath Day, and to avoid coveting another’s wife OR their possessions That would be the first three (about God) and the last two – on envy or coveting what doesn’t belong to you!
I submit that Jesus wants use to notice that small omission! Our relationship with God should be our most enviable (or proud – if you prefer) possession! Because, if we put our relationship with God as the first priority in life, all the other commandments will follow as normal behavior and not as virtuous actions. Jesus asked the young man to put God first in his priorities and the wealth he had got in the way. (Can you hear Jesus say: “You cannot serve two masters? – Matt. 6:24 or Lk 16:13)
As we go through “Ordinary Time” it is time to be fed with the moral teachings of Jesus to be able to live out his ultimate command: “Love One Another!”
May God Bless you!
Fr. Patrick Nelson, SDS
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