Have you ever heard Jesus call you – OR – speak to you?
In the world we live in there are way too many distractions, noises and interruptions to hear Jesus.
The call to prayer is the call to hear God in your life.
Prayer is not just the use of formal prayers. Those, though good, are the words of someone else not the yours!
Prayer is first and most importantly a conversation. It is an intimate time to speak and listen to the transcendent presence of God – who is always with us. For, once you are baptized the spirit of God is you spirit! That is why the Mass always begins with recognizing that fact.
“The Lord be with you!” – “and with your spirit”
That very closeness of God should be a tug to draw you into prayer. Recall that Jesus is the very personification of LOVE (The Love of God the Father – reflected in the Son)
Jesus can and will answer the sincere prayers offered for the love of others wellbeing! Selfish prayers are acts of pride and if answered might do us more harm that the good God intends. Of course, we can pray for self when asking for peace, guidance, challenges to grow or hopes for future good.
Bartimaeus asks for sight. The desire to see is given by God and the lack of sight for Bartimaeus may be a metaphor for the society that does not pray (not listening to, or praying to – God). Jesus heals that error when we ask (pray) to let us hear him in our lives. Jesus loves us wants to guide us in life to return to be with him forever!
Prayer can be… your own thoughts and word to God,
Prayer can be… the rosary.
Prayer can be… a meditation on a scriptural thought.
Prayer can be… sitting silently listening, for God to speak
Prayer can be… helping someone in need (volunteering)
Prayer can be… hiking alone in nature, communing with God.
Prayer can be… participating at Mass (the prayer of the whole Church)
May God Bless you!
Fr. Patrick Nelson, SDS
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