The Mass is so important that it may be the singularly most important thing you do in your life. And we can do it every day, if possible to our schedule.
THE TEACHING MASS for this weekend is important because – this question needs to be understood and the Mass is so mis-understood, that today churches are not full every weekend!
Can a fish life without water?
Can a bird live without air?
Can a person bring about their own birth? (does that sound strange?)
If you know that God is The Creator and he created you – OUT OF LOVE, then you should see the Mass as very necessary to continue in life!
The Mass is WORSHIP, PETITION, and CONVERSION all within one hour of our time.
These aspects of life come from the instructions God gives us on how to be perfect and eternal.
1) WORSHIP: Moses was given the 10 Commandments to form a perfect society.
#3 says that we need to worship (THE MASS) God on the Sabbath (That would be Sunday)
2) PETITION: We have needs that can’t be fulfilled without God’s help.
- Things like: ending conflicts, helping the sick, asking for patience, wanting to be holy
3) CONVERSION: This happens when we admit our sin (offenses against each other). Basically, by acting contrary to the 10 Commandments, against honesty, charity, purity and fidelity.
- Forgiveness comes not from asking God in private but, by asking God in community! Our nature is NOT a private nature- we are meant to live in a community, a family or a “church” (as a people of God).
THE EUCHRIST – “Is the source and summit of the Christian Life” (Lumen Gentium #11 & CCC #1327)
The body and blood of God are given to us for the three reasons and bodily needs I just mentioned!
We need the Eucharist to live our lives! (See: John 6:26-57)
YOU NEED JESUS TO LIVE in any state of goodness or holiness. You were just made that way!
I wish each of you Peace!
May Our Risen Savior Bless you!
Fr. Patrick Nelson, SDS
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