Jesus is Baptized in the Jordan to join us in all the suffering that humanity endures. For the love of God is just that – Joining in our daily struggles, good and bad.
In being Baptized Jesus becomes the One Sent of God (not from God, but of God). God takes on the fullness of the human condition. “He Saves”, is the meaning of Jesus name. God has given us the gift of life. And with that life come many gifts:
- A mind. We are capable of reason and wonder, discovery and development. Exploring and discovery are part of using our minds. Seeing with the eyes of Faith is part of Reason!
- A Heart. We are capable of sympathy and compassion, anger and judgement.
- A Body. We are capable of great strength and endurance to build and assist others.
- A Family. We learn to be companions and to care for ourselves and others. We can build communities that protect and nurture, teach and support.
- A World. God gives us food and medicine in great possibilities. Water, sky, planets and weather. The animals and plants that add beauty, companions and even food. Raw materials to invent and build machines, cities, homes and tools of all kind. Color and diversity in humankind and natural elements.
All we are asked, is to listen to and acknowledge the God in our midst, that we might believe and learn from Him on how to use all the gifts he has given us.
Since Jesus is the Almighty God and not just “part” of God – we see with the eyes of Faith that the Creator has taken our flesh to be closer to us in helping “save us” from an eternal death of sin!
Jesus IS still here on Earth and in Heaven to keep us safe – If we follow Him!
So, - What have you done to follow Him, lately?
The 10 Commandments give a beginning!
o Have you gone to Mass every week? (# 3)
o Have you prayed daily? (# 1)
o Have you not gossiped or slandered? (# 8)
o Have been a faithful spouse? (# 6 & 9)
o Have met your commitments? (# 8)
o Have you been satisfied with what you can afford? (# 10)
o Have you avoided vengeance or hate” (# 5)
o Have you respected authority and obeyed laws and social courtesies? (# 4)
There and many other ways to be a follower and lover of the God whose example you would be following. You can build up the Church (contribute and volunteer). You can participate in neighborhood enrichment. You can offer charitable actions as opportunities present themselves.
In other words? What have you done for Jesus lately?
I wish each of you Peace!
May Our Risen Savior Bless you!
Fr. Patrick Nelson, SDS
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